Thomas Heinlein Design

Product Design  ERP Software

OktoPOS Cash UI Design

UX Design Online Shop

The functionality of the cash register is represented by a font with over 140 individual icons and a large number of animated infographics in dialogs. The OktoPOS font was specially developed for use in OktoPOS Cash.

OktoPOS Cash UI Design
Layouts / UX Design / Iconographie / 3D Product Designl 

Product Design / Oktopos cash

OktoPOS Cash Product Design

UX Design E-Menu

Erfahrungen aus der Gastronomie halfen bei der  Perfektionierung der Nutzerführung.  Individuellen Icon-Sets, Layouts & Produktfotografie auf Kundenwunsch. das Portfolio beschreibt ein Auswahl von E-Menu Entwürfen.

E-Menu Portfolio
Layout / Design / Prototyping 

UX Design for self order terminals

Self Order Portfolio

OktoPOS Website

Design of a very complex website with a lot of content. The icon navigation and the graphic design provide orientation in the OktoPOS universe. The address of the live version is

Website Layouts
Layouts / Corporate Design / Icons / Fotografie

Software & Hardware Katalog

Software Katalog
Layouts / Corporate Design / Icons / Fotografie

Software & Hardware Katalog

Software Katalog

Iconografie for Business Software

Handgefertigte Skizzen werden zu Vektorzeichnungen. Die Basis für die umfassende Iconografie der Business Software OktoPOS

OktoPOS / Iconography
Iconografie / UX-Design

iconografie für personal Software

Personal Software icons
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